Southwestern Artists’ Association is a community for local artists to exhibit, form friendships and learn together through membership. All business of the Association is done by a cooperative effort of its members.
Members meet on the first Monday of each month at 10am in Studio 23 to discuss the business of the studio, participate in educational presentations and fellowship.
Potential new members are invited to attend our meetings. This gives the artist the opportunity to become acquainted with our association before applying for membership to see if it is a good fit. Artists interested in becoming members must contact the Membership Chair to obtain the current membership guidelines. Membership application packets are available in the Studio or can be downloaded. Potential new members must attend 3 general membership meetings prior to jurying of artwork.
A potential new member requires the help of two sponsors from the active membership who are willing to acquaint him/her with the benefits and expectations of the Association. Sponsors are responsible for obtaining and signing a sponsor sheet, helping the artist fill out the application, and present the artist to the Membership Chair. The Membership Chair makes the arrangements with the artist for a jury date.
Artists must work in 2D format. Artists can be juried in one or more media: oil, acrylics, watercolor, pastel, drawing and mixed media. A limited number of members are also juried in fine crafts and greeting cards. A minimum of 5 representative works in each medium is required for submission to the board. All works of art submitted for jurying and hung in the Gallery must be originals and completed within 2 years of presentation. No copies of another artist’s work, copies of a professional photographer’s photograph, or classroom work will be accepted. Selection is by a 2/3 majority of the board.
Members are required to have a San Diego Business Tax Certificate. A copy of each member’s Certificate is filed in the Studio. Members cannot exhibit without one. Within 30 days of becoming a new member, each member will receive instruction during 2 sitting days, one of which must fall on a weekend. The other two ‘experienced’ members sitting on those days are responsible for training the new member on desk and sitting procedures. Each member is required to read the Studio 23 Handbook, which contains Standing Rules of Order of the Association, read the Association’s Bylaws, sign a release form, and have 15 or more suitable paintings ready to exhibit in a Two-Artists Show.
Members have the privilege to exhibit their artwork at stated intervals in the Gallery. The membership exhibit is changed on the first Monday of every month, and the ‘Two-Artists Show’ and ‘Alcove Gallery’ is changed twice a month.
All Active Members are expected to participate in the operation of the Gallery. Members sit the Gallery a minimum of 10 days per year. Each member having a Two-Artists Show is responsible for sitting his/her 2 weeks or arranging for replacement sitters. A point system ensures fair minimum participation by everyone. A total of 20 points is required to remain an Active Member. Points are earned by sitting the Gallery, attending meetings, having a 2-Artists/Alcove Gallery show, volunteering as a officer, appointive office or be on a committee, or bringing refreshments to meetings.
- 1 full sized painting each month and a second painting every month.
- 2 small paintings in the Artisan Corner*.
- 5 unframed original paintings in browse bins*.
- 2 unframed Fine Art Reproductions (prints) in browse bin*.
- Two-Artists Show – 16+ paintings, artwork up for 2 weeks.
- Alcove Gallery Show – artwork up for 2 weeks.
- Artisan Craftwork – when space becomes available.
- Gift Cards – when space becomes available.
- 1 artwork posted on our website.
Associate Members show their support through membership. However, they are excluded from displaying art and from voting on Association matters. (As outlined above for Active Membership, one must attend 3 general meetings the first Monday of each month prior to applying for membership.)
Active Membership – $80.00 +$20 Spanish Village Art Center Assessments
Associate Membership – $10.00.
For more information Contact Us.
Ready to join? Download the membership form and fill it out by hand, and turn it into one of our open membership meetings!